Why I Deleted Facebook and Instagram

Why I Deleted Facebook and Instagram

Even though I used to feel like my business depended on them Originally Posted on Medium Kayla Douglas Oct 18 · 3 min read Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash “What happened?” Was the most asked question I got as I revealed to people time after time that I would be removing myself from Facebook and Instagram. But nothing happened. Nobody was stalking me or threatening me, and I am not trying to make a political statement by boycotting, I’m sure no one misses me enough for that. So are you wondering the real reason why I deleted Facebook and Instagram? It’s Not What you Think Everyone wants to hear the tale of the last straw, the one that pushed me over the edge and honestly there is no tale to tell. Facebook and Instagram used…
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On Being Unf***withable

On Being Unf***withable

I am consistently hearing people talk about being fuckwithable. Sure, they don't use that word, but they say things like, "You make me so mad! " or "This makes me feel sad. or "I know he is just a guy from Tinder, but I still obsess over why he hasn't texted me in 3 hours!" In many cases, people are handing over control of their emotions to other human beings. When you say, "you make me feel.." you are giving power to someone else, whether you realize it or not. That means you have the option to take back the control. In the case of someone not calling us back, we know rationally that the reaction is silly. But maybe we don't feel in control of changing it. There are…
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