About Me

How I became a chronic illness life coach

I am a grateful, creative, caring, loving, and growing individual, passionate about art, culture, education, and adventure.  Who are you? I would love to connect!

Kayla Douglas sitting on a bench in a park

I overcame so many obstacles to find my path. As a child, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy quite young and became depressed and hopeless about life. I began engaging in self-harm and other addictive behaviors.

Being Held Back

Anxiety and stress held me back from being myself, so I slowly retreated from my social life.  It was just too hard to keep up. Before completing high school, I attempted suicide. That derailed my life completely. I alienated myself from my family and any remaining friends.

Changing my mindset was the hardest thing I ever did. It was a way to find happiness and achieve my dreams. When I set out on my journey of self-discovery, I didn’t intend to become a chronic illness life coach. I was taking the courses just for myself.

Overcoming the Past 

In the past five years, I have learned so much about what it takes to overcome a challenging past, eliminate anxiety, and thrive. After visiting more than 30 countries, I am currently living in Myanmar.  I love writing and have enjoyed sharing some of the most difficult parts of my story on this blog as well as on Medium

My passion is helping other people that are stuck like I was, and that is why I started chronic illness life coaching.  

What can I offer as a chronic illness life coach?

I’m here to offer you one on one life coaching to help you identify the obstacle in your life and overcome it. My biggest obstacle was my chronic illness, and the challenges I had created around it over the years but yours may be different. I specialize in helping you look inside to find new and innovative ways to improve your life.

Maybe they will be simple ways you can shift your mindset, or perhaps a rehaul of how you are working, studying, or going about life.Kayla M Douglas on a beach in tanzania

What changes have I made?

In my case, I changed a lot over the years to accommodate my chronic illness. I first moved to the south of Spain, with a relaxed culture where my naps fit right in. While I worked as an English teaching assistant in public schools for just 12 hours a week,  I even had excellent health insurance. There were often long weekends and holidays where I could travel around Europe. It was a dream come true in many ways.

However, later, I realized my goals and aspirations didn’t fit the lifestyle I was living. Freedom is my number one value, so I started working online to enable me to travel around even more.  I also wanted to stop taking medication. So I found other tools that allow me to thrive without trips to the doctor or pharmacy. (For more information about treating narcolepsy without medication click here.) I created an online career so I can move freely and nap frequently.

Let’s Talk

Are you interested in finding a way to improve your happiness by adjusting your lifestyle? Fill out the contact form below to start a conversation or click here to schedule a free 20-minute online session!

Let’s connect on social media!

Links to published articles

You can find a comprehensive list here, but this is a short selection of my writing. 

Where Does Your Time Go? 

Scared of the Dark: The Narcolepsy Symptoms that Nobody Talks About 

Research and Reality in My Life With Narcolepsy 
